Showroom: Royal Road Helvetia, St Pierre, Mauritius
Firstly, the Carclub team and I would like to wish you a very happy new year 2021! Following what has been a complicated 2020 for most, we can only hope that 2021 brings you great moments with your loved ones.
We would also like to thank all of you who have supported us, in one way or another, in 2020, which has made difficult times more bearable. More importantly, you keep our flame burning. We are committed to bringing you even more awesome cars and services in 2021 through our various companies in the automotive sector.
New year, new me, new car?
If you ask yourself this question, look at our buyer’s guide. We hope this will help in your decision-making process!
As you may be aware, car prices have already gone through the roof, mainly due to the depreciation of the Mauritian Rupee vs most importing currencies. Analysts are not forecasting an improvement of the current situation in short to medium term and rightly so, since most currencies coming from tourism have completely dried up.
Other costs, such as freight, are also increasing. The latter accuses a 200% increase in goods shipped from Asia and secondhand imports from Japan.
Can it get worst? Time will tell. As such, it would be wise for you to look into purchasing your next pride and joy as soon as possible to avoid any further damage to your wallet.
Buyers in Mauritius are spoilt when it comes to choice. They can pick between a brand-new vehicle, a secondhand import or a secondhand local car.
The market is very complex; you will find a vehicle in every three categories whatever budget you set for your purchase. However, there are some key differences.
With the same amount of money, you will find a better car – defined as the level of quality, engine choices and trim levels on the secondhand market (whether imported or local). Then on the new car side. The difference is now even greater considering the price increase, not only attributable to forex but also to manufacturers increasing their prices at the origin.
One may argue that the secondhand imports prices are also too high, that is true to a certain extent. But you do get value in getting vehicles which are not available locally, with great options and engine choices (notably, everything hybrid).
You can also find your happiness in local pre-owned cars. There are plenty available in all shapes and sizes. We would advise that this be purchased via dealers to ensure genuineness and spot any issues that may arise in the future. Did you know that we get a full check done at Carclub Engineering before we onboard any car? Now you do, so let us handle it for you!
Buying secondhand is also part of doing the right thing. An average new car’s carbon footprint is equivalent to your home’s energy carbon footprint for three years!
In short, finance it! With interest rates being as low as ever, now is the time to finance your next purchase.
The financing business is as competitive as the car sales business and finance houses are going to great lengths to get new customers. As such, you get lower interest rates and better processing fees and longer terms for secondhand vehicles.
However, DO NOT go above what you can afford. It is easy to get carried away, but we do not want anybody to get into trouble. Speak to your financial adviser, if you have one, or ourselves, we’d be happy to advise.
Buying a vehicle is a daunting experience for many of you, even more so in an area where unpredictability is everywhere. Make sure you make the right call, talk to us, we view a purchase as a project and not a mere sale transaction. We are with you all the way and will always be!